**Inherited Viewport Scissor Sample** by David Zhao Akeley This sample provides an example of how indirect draw commands and the optional [`VK_NV_inherited_viewport_scissor` extension](https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.2-extensions/html/vkspec.html#VK_NV_inherited_viewport_scissor) can be used to maximize secondary command buffer re-use. The indirect draw commands allow a pre-recorded subpass secondary command buffer to deal with varying model counts and positions, while the extension helps deal with changing viewport sizes (due to the user resizing the window, etc.). The extension is not required to run the sample; the sample can still be used in this case as a simple example of secondary command buffer re-use. [Repository Link](https://github.com/nvpro-samples/vk_inherited_viewport)